My weekend trip June 21-23

Callicoon Theater, Callicoon, NY

Usually I use this blog for movie reviews, Broadway musicals, etc. But I also love doing certain things with some friends of mine. 

This weekend I am going to my friend Mike's family river home in Damascus, Pennsylvania. It is right on the Delaware River. Mike's girlfriend Lesley is going with us along with Mike's parents and his dogs Trooper and Elsie. 

On Friday night, we are going to a restaurant called Peppino's. Peppino's is an Italian restaurant in Callicoon, New York. I have been there in the past and their food is so good! 

On Saturday, Mike is going to make some pancakes for breakfast. Then all three of us are seeing the sequel to the movie Inside Out in the Callicoon Theater. It is going to be a good movie. 

On Sunday, I am going back to New Jersey from Pennsylvania.

Come back next week and I will tell you all about my trip and my movie review on Inside Out 2. 

What are your plans for the summer weekend? 


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